Meet Meena, The latest Chatbot Tech By Google AI

Meet Meena, The latest Chatbot Tech By Google AI

Interaction with computers and the internet is expected to happen only through spoken conversations in the upcoming future. The user interfaces evolve toward what’s easiest for human users to create better engagement with users. It is a challenging task for a machine to carry out plausible conversations, it requires “knowledge” of the human world. To open human conversation with humans, a machine requires the ability to reason, to understand concepts, to be unique, and to make better decisions about a variety of things.

Google AI Conversation

To make something more conversational than the existing Al powered Siri, Alexa, and Cortana, Google has introduced Meena chatbot- a new Al powered chat companion. This new chatbot can make conversation with users about anything on the earth. It is the best AI chatbot found on the internet.

Do you remember the first-time experience of trying Apple’s Siri and feel gaga over the qualities of the application? Some of the examples of AL powered virtual assistants are Amazon’s Alexa, Amazon Dot, and Amazon Echo Dot, speakers. They can make conversation with users about the weather and news, but you never feel conversational.

Google Meena Chatbot 

Meena chatbot is simply a neural network that has about 2.6 billion parameters. It is a multi-turn open domain chatbot that offers a realistic conversation feel. Google claimed Meena chatbot is better than any other AL-powered chatbot available in the digital market.  Google AL conversation uses natural language models to understand human language, talk, and finish tasks given in simple words. Google researchers fed Meena 341 gigabytes of social media conversation from other social media posts. it is far better than many other chatbots available in the internet medium. Google claims that Meena is designed to be specific, which would be excellent and impressive. It has an inherent algorithm that removes offensive content. Holding a human-like conversation is much easier for Google Meena chatbot because of its skills and capacity. 


Multi-turn represents a conversation with a back and forth between the users. The best example is the conversation between Google Duplex trying to book an appointment with a real doctor. The above example is categorized as multi-turn as the bot doesn’t lose context and finish the task perfectly. 


Open-domain means that there is no place for restrictions on the topics you can make conversations with the chatbot. The main concept is to make a chatbot more like humans. With the help of a large data set, AL-powered chatbot can make conversation interactive.

Sensibleness and Specificity Average (SSA) metric

Google has designed a metric called Sensibleness and Specificity Average (SSA) metric. SSA metric maintains answers in a conversation and ensures that the answers are understandable and relevant.

SSA ranks the conversation by analyzing and evaluating the static performance based on the percentage of turns counted as relevant.

SSA tool gave a 79 percent score to Meena chatbot, while humans got 86 percent in the metric. It is predicted that AL assistants are going to be an essential part of human life in the upcoming years. SSA judges whether each word makes sense within the context of the conversation. When you talk with a chatbot that doesn't understand the conversation, it’s called perplexity.

For example, if you tell a chatbot: “ I like to travel,” the reply might be: “I'm glad you love to travel.” it’s a plausible human-like response but it is something different from real conversation. The main specialty of Meena is the minimization of perplexity. 

Meena chatbot is technically closer to the ability to converse to humans than other chatbots. Google says that human-level SSA is "within reach."

To be honest, these are claims, not real facts. Until we can try Meena, we cannot experience the real experience of the Al chatbot. A chatbot is a software program that assists in holding conversations with humans. 

Most commercial chatbots deployed by large enterprises are specifically designed for customized uses, such as customer service. These types of chatbots are called closed-domain chatbots but Meena is an open-domain chatbot.

For example, Meena can converse on any topic and can play as a friend, advisor, and even a tutor. It has knowledge and capabilities of thousands of closed domain chatbots combined.


Google Meena chatbot can make the conversation make more sense and are generic, unlike the other Al-powered assistants. Google claims that Meena possesses human-like abilities, a lot of introverted people can improve their communication skills from it. SSA of Meena claims that it is only 7% less than that of human beings. Google researchers say that it is going to be the best AI chatbot.