How To Create A YouTube Channel And Promote It

How To Create A YouTube Channel And Promote It

“There are more than 2 billion (about a quarter of the global population) monthly active YouTube users.”

You can thus imagine the popularity that YouTube has gained. With exposure to users across 100 countries, YouTube’s marketing platform cannot be missed. If you are a business, who has yet to grab this opportunity, we’ll be your YouTube Channel Guide. Read ahead to get details on how you can boost your business exposure and promote content on YouTube. Remember that YouTube is the 2nd largest website & web browser, and if leveraged properly, can work wonders for your business.

In this guide, we’ll get you through the basics of How to Create a YouTube Channel so that you can produce video content and promote it. Following this, we’ll be conveying information on how to promote your created YouTube Channel and some of our secret marketing tips you wouldn’t want to miss out on. So, stay tuned, and let us begin.

How to Create a YouTube Channel?

YouTube is a video-sharing website that was established in 2005, which was later bought by Google. Following are the steps to create a Channel on this video-sharing platform – 

✔️ Create a Google Account: As we said, Google now owns YouTube. Thus, to create a YouTube channel, you first need to have a Google account (Preferably a business one). Don’t have one? Here’s how you can create your Google Account on YouTube –

✓ Go to YouTube’s homepage and on the top-right side of the homepage, click on the ‘Sign in’ button

✓ You’ll find ‘More’ options. Click on it and select ‘Create account’ so that you are led to Google’s Sign-up form.

✓ Add in an email-id or phone number you want to choose.

✓ Further, you’ll have two options available – ‘For myself’ or ‘To manage my business’. A business account will help you to easily create and customize your YouTube channel as it enables multiple people access.

✔️ Sign in to your YouTube Account: Once you have your Google account, go to YouTube’s homepage and on the top-right side of the homepage, click on the ‘Sign in’ button and use the details of your Google Account to sign in.

✔️ Create your YouTube Channel: Follow following steps to create your channel

✓ Once signed in with YouTube, on the top-right side, click on the profile icon.

✓ From the settings overview, select ‘Create a channel’ from among the dropdown menu.

✓ ‘Select’ the use a custom name and add in the customized name you want for your YouTube Channel.

✓ Once done adding in the name, add the channel art. For this, hover your mouse over the banner image & the ‘Add channel art’ option will appear.

✓ Upload an appropriate banner image that can be displayed well across various size screens (recommended size: 2560X1440 pixels).

✓ Next, hover your mouse over the profile image & the ‘Edit channel icon’ option will appear.

✓ Upload an appropriate profile icon (recommended icon should be a JPG/PNG/GIF/BMP file that is 800X800 px).

✔️ Create a YouTube Channel Trailer: Add in a trailer for your channel that showcases your brand who are first-time visitors or non-subscribers. Follow the below steps –

✓ First of all, prepare your YouTube Channel Trailer for your viewers. And here comes our YouTube Marketing Tips – Keep your Channel Trailer short and captivating. It should be representative of what your channel’s content will be and should be created with your first-time viewers in mind.

✓ Now go to your YouTube Channel and click on ‘Customize channel’.

✓ In the ‘Home’ tab, go to the ‘For new visitors’ tab and select ‘Edit.

✓ Then choose ‘Change trailer’ or ‘Remove trailer’ and upload your trailer.

✔️ Upload your Videos: Now that you have your YouTube account, channel, and trailer in place, it’s time to upload your content. The steps are easy –

✓ Open your YouTube account and on the top right side of your screen select ‘Create a Video or Post’.

✓ Now upload your video by choosing ‘Select files to upload’.

✓ Do remember to keep the view ‘Public’.

And this is how you create your YouTube Channel and add in Videos. Now that you have established your business Youtube channel. The next step is to Promote YouTube Channel. Simply establishing your channel is not enough, but you need to Optimize your YouTube Channel and let it grow organically to get in increasing views, engagement & conversions. Hence, to help you through, we have got a few tips. Let’s get on with them

YouTube Marketing Tips to Promote YouTube Channel:

  • Completing your Profile: A compelling and complete profile section is good SEO, and can also help in the promotion. Throughout your profile, keep your style, color palette, layout, etc. consistent. Include a contact number & description with keywords (avoid stuffing).

  • Video Titles & Description: Make use of target Keywords (take help of auto-suggest by typing in YouTube to find keywords) within your Video Filename, title, and description. Keep your title short & crisp and still sweet & engaging. For the description, add keywords, relevant hashtags, and links to relevant videos on your (or other) channel. You can also put call-to-action  (CTA) within descriptions. Finally, your description shouldn’t exceed 5000 characters.

  • Customize your Thumbnail: Youtube does produce automatic thumbnails, but we recommend customizing it. Keep the thumbnail in JPG/PNG/GIF/BMP format with the resolution of 1280X720 px (basically anything in a 16:9 ratio). We suggest adding in contrast images and colours and putting in texts to get increasing clicks.

  • Engaging your fans: Always create content that is knowledgeable and engaging too. Make high-quality videos to engage fans and create playlists to increase the watching time and number of videos watched. In the comments section interact with the fans appropriately. You can try and add in a Q&A video once a while to increase engagement and show your subscribers that they matter. Ask them to ask you questions they want to know from you. And you can always go live with your Q&A or any other events. You can also add CTA in your video (for subscriptions, sharing, comments, etc.). Partner up with well-known brands, or run contests, etc. to further improve engagement.

This was our YouTube Channel Guide. Follow it and excel your YouTube Marketing game.