The Top 27 Digital Marketing Terms You Need To Know

The Top 27 Digital Marketing Terms You Need To Know

“Social and digital media is a bullet train, and that bullet train is not coming home.” 

That’s a rather apt statement by Howard Schultz there. All businesses – small, medium, or large – who are into Digital Marketing should be well aware of this fact. After all, Digital Marketing avails these platforms, and much more. As any business, it’s no use playing catch up; you need to be on board of the whole Digital market scene playing out there. And if you are to be all up-to-date with the updates, you need to understand the jargons of the Digital Industry. After all, you don’t want to be stuck up trying to figure out some terms when you can be applying them and earning your business some great profit.

So, today we have for you some top Digital Marketing Terms and jargons which you absolutely need to know so at be at the top of the game and better understand the umbrella term that is Digital Marketing.

Top 27 Digital Marketing Terms You Need To Know:

  • Remarketing:

Remarketing is a marketing tactic in which you market again to those customers who had engaged with your business, but did not make the final purchase. Here carousel ads are set up, so that if users had at one time viewed your product, you and similar products will then appear for them.

  • Smarketing:

This term is a combination of Sales and Marketing, and thus you align sales and marketing teams so as to work towards a common goal.

  • Targeting:

Targeting determines the audience you market to, mostly by using  built-in targeting tools of social media platforms.

  • Analytics:

Analytics provides data while reviewing and tracking the performances of your websites, your social media accounts, email campaigns, etc. For e.g. Website analytics will provide you data about the visitors, their demographics, the pages they viewed, the time they spent on your site, etc.

  • B2B And B2C:

B2B stands for Business to Business, and B2C stands for Business to Customers. These marketing terms indicate with whom does your business cater to or interacts with – Other business or direct Customers.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

SEO means all actions and measure you take so as to make your website rank at the top of the Results Page of the Search Engine.

  • Backlink:

Backlinks are links are the links provided by other websites which direct the users to your website. Fetching quality backlinks is important for SEO.

  • Link Building:

Link Building is a SEO strategy in which you take measure so as to increase the number of websites linking back to your website. Quality content can help.

  • Page Rank:

Page Rank is the rank given to your site on a scale of 0 to 10 by Google’s algorithm, which determines how trustworthy your site is considered.

  • Quality Score Or Relevancy Score:

When you are running paid advertisements on Google, it gives you a Quality Score based on your the copy and creative of your ads. Relevancy Score is similar to Quality score and is given by Facebook for your ads. The higher the quality and relevancy score of your ad, the less will it cost you and the more it will be displayed.

  • Call-to-Action (CTA):

Call to Action is a button used within your advertisements or even sites and posts which tells the audience what action to take. The action may include giving your email, or fill up a form, or subscribe to your business, or make a purchase, etc.

  • Cost Per Acquisition (CPA):

Cost per acquisition determines how much it costs you to acquire a single customer. CPA can be calculated when you divide the cost spend on the campaign by the total number of customers acquired through it.

  • Cost Per Impression (CPI):

CPI measures the number of times that your advertisement is displayed on a site as well as if the users of the site interact with it.

  • Click Through Rate (CTR):

Click Through Rate measures the number of times your /email or advertisement– whether on a search engine or a website or social media – gets clicked by the users. CTR can be calculated by dividing the total clicks by the total impressions.

  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV):

CLTV is predicting the revenue that will be generated by a customer during their Lifetime. This will let you know how much you need to spend to acquire new customers.

  • Conversion Rate:

It is a metric which measures the percentage of users who take desired action when on your social media platform or website compared to those who simply visit your site or ad.

  • Bounce Rate:

This is a term used in Search Engine marketing. The bounce rate is when the user comes to you site and goes back immediately, only after viewing a single page, and without spending more time on it. The more time spent and more pages viewed means a lower Bounce Rate.

  • Pay Per Click (PPC):

When you set an ad campaign to run on Google, you will have pay google for every click you get on your advertisement. The cost is calculated based on the Quality Score of your ad.

  • A/B Testing Or Split Testing:

This is a testing method you can run on advertisements and even email. Here, you create 2-3 variations of your advertisement and run all of them at the same time to find out which get you better results. At the end of this test, you are left with the add which gives you great performance.

  • Organic Traffic:

Organic Traffic is the traffic flow or the visitors that your website receives form unpaid search results. Organic refers to unpaid. SEO and even SMO will bring in Organic Traffic for you.

  • On-Page Optimization:

It includes all the actions you take within your website or on your web page so as to optimize your website for Search Engine Result Page (SERP). Thus they may include optimizing content, meta tags, etc.

  • Off-Page Optimization:

It includes all the actions you take of your website so as to optimize your website for SERP. It may include optimizing backlinks, etc.

  • Lead Generation:

Lead Generation refers to any strategy, plan, etc. through which you get the attention of you customers i.e. how do you get attract a user and generate the lead.

  • Lead Nurturing:

After you have generated a lead, and you have them with you, you need to nurture them by calling them getting a follow up, sending them emails, retargeting them on social media, etc. In the end you convert them to be your customer.

  • Landing Page:

When ever users click on your advertisement, post, etc. they are directed to a specific page on your website. This page where the traffic lands from anywhere from outside of your site is the Landing Page.

  • Thank You Page:

A simple thank you can make many things easy. A Thank You Page is important and you can  add it for your customers after they make a purchase or even after they fill up a contact form with you. This can make it easy for your to track your Conversions and Return on Investment (ROI), etc.

  • Social Listening:

This is a digital marketing term in which your brand is monitored to keep a look out on what is being said about your brand, its products or services on social media platforms.

As a well established Digital Marketing Company working in the field of Digital Marketing for past few years, this was our list of the top Digital Marketing Terms we think you need to know. Of course there are many more, and you will slowly come across them as you navigate this field.